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After the call "from the bank", the Internet fraudster called a resident of Lida and introduced himself as the head of the capital's criminal investigation department. And she believed


Fortunately, the stolen amount was not very large - 208 rubles


Doctor's round every 4 hours and a course of correct breathing. How Grodno Regional Hospital of Medical Rehabilitation Switched to Covid Treatment


Elena Petyukevich is the Head of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation of Cardiological Patients.


How to choose and store honey and how to make an antiviral from propolis? Mykola Khalkos advice - head of the scientific beekeeping center

In the center there is more than one exposition dedicated to the sweet business.


How to choose and store honey and how to make an antiviral from propolis? For answers to the quot; questions, we went to the center of scientific beekeeping to its head Nikolai Khalko, the candidate of agricultural sciences . 

Take an example, youth! In Lida, gold heroes of the day exchanged rings again at the registry office


"To be together all life and forever ..."


"To be together all life and forever ..." - lines from a poem written by the spouses sound like the motto of their long and happy life together. Fifty years ago, on 17 October they tied the knot and since then have gone through life shoulder to shoulder, carrying fidelity to family duty through the years.

Sanitary and Epidemiological Service calls for coronavirus prevention measures


The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Minsk Region calls on citizens not to lose vigilance and return to compliance with the requirements of personal and public prevention of coronavirus infection, BelTA learned from the Minsk Regional Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health.


The Volovichi Palace in Svyatsk is planned to be partially opened for guests by early next year. What work is being done on the renovation project?

The palace and park complex in Svyatsk, where reconstruction is now in full swing, is an important tourist site that they plan to open for guests as soon as possible.

Residents of FEZ "Grodnoinvest" in the first half of the year increased exports to Canada in 6.5 times


In January - June, residents exported products worth $ 425 million.


In the first half of the year, residents of the FEZ Grodnoinvest increased their exports to Canada in 6.5 times, to $ 540,000, BelTA asked the administration of the free economic zone.

