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Regional news

The Shchuchinsky district tourist information center, which opened recently, is ready to offer its services


Residents of Shchuchin and guests of the city have most likely already noticed the recently appeared illuminated information sign on the building of the Olimp stadium. In August of this year, the Shchuchinsky regional tourist information center opened there.



The youth of the Grodno region sent more than a hundred postcards to healthcare institutions as part of the project “Thank you to the doctors”

This action simultaneously started in all regions of the country. Grodno region was no exception.



The residents of regional centers will have the opportunity to send their cards with wishes and words of gratitude. The project is implemented by the regional committee of the youth union with the assistance of RUE Belpochta.




Tourist business start-ups will be promoted in Sopotskin, and guest houses, a brewery and a restaurant will be built in the Chertok village area

At a meeting with Vladimir Kravtsov, the chairman of the regional executive committee, whose main topic was the development of the Augustow Canal, was discussed how to increase its tourist attractiveness.

Abbess Gabriela: "It is written by the heart." A book about the life of the Svyato-UspenskiyZhirovichi Monastery was presented in Zhirovichi (+ video)

In May the agricultural town Zhirovichi will become the main center of pilgrimage tourism in Belarus.


Pupils of the Shuchinsky children's art school returned with awards from the large-scale “International Friendship Cup television project”

Pupils of the Shuchinsky Children's Art School returned with awards from the large-scale international television project “Friendship Cup”, which was held in Minsk.



Oginsky's estate in Zalesye entered the top-best museums in Belarus. Why is it necessary to come here?

The results of the XVII Republican tourism contest “Discover Belarus-2019” were announced in Minsk on 19th of December.

The museum-estate M.-K. Oginsky became the prize-winner in the competition in the nomination "Museums and objects of entertainment of the year". The institution is one of the three best museums in Belarus.



